Modern Slavery
Information on modern slavery and human trafficking in pandemic times, how to spot the signs, and how to respond.
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Spot the signs
Information about modern slavery and exploitation, and how to spot it.
Short film raising awareness of modern slavery, with subtitles in Albanian and Vietnamese.
Research exploring the experiences of migrant workers in low-paid and insecure work during the Covid-19 pandemic.
People in slavery are often forced to live and work in squalid, overcrowded conditions putting them at a high risk of contracting and transmitting coronavirus.
How to respond and report modern slavery
Information on how to respond to, and report modern slavery
The Pocketbook has been developed by Safer Leeds to support those working in several sectors
FLEX has partnered with the Greater London Authority (GLA) to produce an information video.
If your business has a turnover of £36 million or more you must produce an annual modern slavery statement. This is a legal requirement.
A detailed translated leaflet covering many aspects of workers rights in the UK. Offers signposting to support