Translated: NHS bowel cancer screening guidance videos

AskDoc and partners have produced an NHS Bowel Cancer Screening guidance video which is available on Youtube in English, Arabic, Bengali, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Farsi, French, Gujarati, Hindi, Kurdish Sorani, Pashto, Polish, Punjabi, Somali and Urdu.

The videos feature an NHS doctor or AskDoc champion narrating information to the camera.

The Bowel Cancer Screening Programme is a national NHS campaign to help detect bowel cancer early before symptoms appear using a simple test kit delivered in the post. It's really important that you complete your kit once you receive it because early detection can save lives.

The kit is sent by post every 2 years to those aged 60 to 74 years. If you are within this age range and have not yet received your kit, please call 0800 707 60 60. Over the next few years, the minimum age is gradually being reduced to 50 so you may receive the kit earlier. You can also call to request a kit if you are aged 75 or over and wish to continue to take part in screening but you will not be sent one automatically.