Immigration and visas

Migrant groups accessing healthcare in the UK

Migrant groups accessing healthcare in the UK

Refused Asylum Seekers and all other migrant groups are not chargeable for any treatment or diagnosis of coronavirus and can access healthcare services for this free of charge.

Translated: Know your rights - a guide for migrants by Migrants’ Rights Network

Translated: Know your rights - a guide for migrants by Migrants’ Rights Network

Migrants’ Rights Network have written this guide for all migrants living in the UK, including those without documents and those trying to regularise their immigration status, including asylum seekers

Support for people who have been denied or asked to pay upfront for secondary healthcare or Covid-19 treatment

Support for people who have been denied or asked to pay upfront for secondary healthcare or Covid-19 treatment

Doctors of the World’s Hospital Access Project currently has capacity to support people who have been denied (or asked to pay upfront for) NHS secondary care (hospital) services and other relevant NHS community services (non-primary care) due to their immigration status.