An infographic on eye health during Covid-19
Guidance for organisations supporting asylum-seeking and refugee women
The EU Settlement Scheme: providers of social care
Translated: Guidance for renters
Guidance for night shelters
Translated infographic: migrant rights to healthcare
Overseas students
Translated: Mental Health and sleep
Support with working rights
Emergency accommodation for homeless migrants with no recourse to public funds
Translated: Workers' Rights Leaflets
Translated: domestic abuse and gender based violence
Translated: domestic abuse - two UK government guidance resources
Translated: Modern slavery
Translated infographic: Advice for non-Covid patients (cancer)
Translated: Face coverings - for young people
Translated infographic: face coverings
Changes to EUSS for people experiencing domestic violence
Translated: Planning your birth in Covid times
National support services for domestic abuse
National Domestic Abuse Helpline - guidance and support for potential victims those who are worried about friends and relatives. 24 hours free and confidential helpline on 0808 2000 247.
Women's Aid - dedicated page on Coronavirus and domestic abuse, including a live chat service.