Supporting the Roma community through Covid-19 report

Roma Support Group conducted a questionnaire between February and April 2021 to assess how the Covid-19 pandemic had affected the daily lives of their Roma clients, and whether they were able to access support when needed.

Data was taken from 27 people and their findings are presented in a report Lessons learned: Supporting the Roma community through Covid-19 dated October 2021.

It provides good practice recommendations on public health engagement and adapting existing support to changing community needs.

A summary of their recommendations can be found below:

Local authorities

  • Continue in-person outreach supplemented with digital communications in community languages

  • Bring services to where people are through mobile teams of public health and community workers

  • Adapt public health messages to community concerns and services to changing needs, based on twoway communication

  • Work with multi-agency networks of local authorities, health professionals and trusted partners

  • Work with Roma community champions where possible

  • Develop strategies to overcome digital exclusion and barriers to accessing healthcare

  • Review whether current service delivery is working for Roma and other migrant communities


  • Work with GRT/migrant sector organisations on removing digital and linguistic or cultural barriers to accessing healthcare

  • Develop cross-departmental strategy on addressing health inequalities for the Roma population

The report is embedded below: