Volunteering opportunity for marginalised communities in Bradford and Leeds

Smart Health Inclusion Peer Advocates (SHIPS) are looking to recruit individuals who have lived experienced of being either homelessness, seeking asylum or have refugee status for a training programme.

Participants will be trained to deliver a successful peer support service providing one-to-one support to enable people experiencing digital exclusion in Bradford and Leeds; to access the health and welfare services they need to be able to self-care.

Based on Groundswell’s Homeless Health Peer Advocacy service, SHIPS will be delivered by Bevan Healthcare in collaboration with Groundswell, HELM and 100% Digital Leeds.

Volunteers will benefit from:

  • Comprehensive initial and ongoing training in a range of skills such as advocacy, boundaries, confidentiality and homeless health.

  • Progression support in line with the Groundswell model to help them to achieve their aspirations to move on from volunteering into employment or training.

  • Clinical supervision and reflective practice delivered on a monthly basis.

  • Develop skills and confidence through direct experience of supporting people

To find out how you can get involved in the programme or for more information please email Sadhana.Patel@bradford.nhs.uk or Hakki.Ozal@bradford.nhs.uk.