Updated: Guidance on applying for Tier 2, 4 and 5 visas

The government has updated their guidance for student sponsors, migrants and short-term students on temporary concessions in response to the outbreak of coronavirus.

Student sponsors should also read the student sponsor guidance which sets out the requirements for education providers wishing to apply for a licence to sponsor international students to come to the UK under the student and child student routes.

Document 1 covers applying for a student sponsor licence

Document 2 covers sponsorship duties

Document 3 covers compliance assessments and sanctions for non-compliance

Document 4 covers the effect of Higher Education regulatory reform on Student sponsors

Sponsors, and education providers who would like to apply for a student sponsor licence, are advised to read and comply with all four documents.

For short-term students, this guidance must be read alongside the short term study guidance and appendix of short term student immigration rules (English).