Free Event: Seeking Asylum and Mental Health

Rethink Rebuild Society is running a free event for anyone interested in the welfare of people seeking asylum - in particular those working in health, social care and the law.

“In this special event, we will hear from editors and authors of the book Asylum Seekers and Mental Health: a Practical Guide for Professionals. We will also hear the first-hand account of an asylum seeker's journey through the UK's mental health system.

We will explore issues affecting people seeking asylum, and refugees, including:
• How professionals and others can make a difference, even with limited resources
• How well-intentioned attempts to help might cause harm
• How what clinicians write can affect asylum decisions, and people’s futures”

Everyone is welcome to attend and benefit from the event, and can book here.

Seeking Asylum and Mental Health will be held in Manchester on Thursday 06 October 2022 at 6.30pm.
For useful information, and more about the book, please visit: